Sexual Abuse

statute of limitations

California’s Statute of Limitations for Sexual Abuse: What Survivors Need to Know

Survivors of childhood sexual abuse have the right to file civil lawsuits against parties who participated in the abuse,...
sexual abuse survivors

Resources and Support for Sexual Abuse Survivors in California

One of the hallmarks of sexual abuse is that the target of the abuse often feels pressured not to...
sexual abuse claim

How to File a Sexual Abuse Claim in California: A Step-by-Step Guide

You may have heard about the new California law that removes the statute of limitations for many claims related...
sexual abuse

Understanding California’s Sexual Abuse Laws

You may have seen criminal cases where the crime victim or his or her surviving relatives asked the judge...

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To learn more about how our office can assist with your legal case, call or contact our office to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced California attorneys today and discuss your legal options.

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