The dedicated attorneys at The Law Offices of Omar Gastelum and Associates, PLC, will fight to defend your rights and do everything we can to work towards a positive resolution in your DUI matter.


A DUI is one of the most common criminal convictions in the state of California. Regardless of whether a person is convicted of a misdemeanor or felony DUI charge, however, the criminal penalties for a DUI can be devastating. Beyond the large fines and potential jail time that a DUI defendant faces, there are also enormous costs in the form of increased insurance rates over time, the cost of getting around without a valid license, and the reputational and career damage that a criminal record can cause.

The good news is that you can fight your DUI arrest in court to avoid conviction and/or reduce penalties.

The Consequences of a DUI in California

Some people arrested for DUI want to avoid working with a lawyer in order to save a few bucks, and simply hope for the best by trying to talk their way out of the charges or plead for a less strict punishment. California takes DUIs very seriously, however, and the courts regularly impose harsh penalties for even first-time DUI charges.

  • If you are facing your first DUI conviction, you can expect to face up to:
  • A $1000 fine with assessments totalling up to $3600
  • Six months in the county jail
  • Six months suspension of license
  • Installation of car interlock system (at your expense)
  • Impoundment of car

For second and third convictions, these penalties increase rapidly. In addition, your insurance rates can rise significantly and remain that way for years. Finally, having a DUI conviction on your criminal record can make it difficult for you to obtain work and professional certifications in California.

How to Fight Your DUI Charge

Based on the strict penalties that you face with even a first DUI conviction, it is clear that it is important to find a way to fight your conviction and/or to argue for reduced penalties. Because our attorneys regularly represent defendants facing DUI charges, we have the experience to pursue all legal strategies in your matter, including:

  • Challenging the legality of the stop
  • Arguing that the arresting officer failed to follow proper procedure
  • Questioning the sufficiency of the evidence against you
  • All other relevant arguments and strategies

Contact a Los Angeles DUI Attorney Today

Our DUI attorneys are dedicated to doing whatever it takes to protect your freedom, and to keep your driving record clean while reducing the impact of a DUI charge on your life and finances. We provide legal assistance in English, Spanish, Farsi, Korean, and Arabic. Contact our offices today to schedule a consultation with a DUI attorney to see what we can do for you.

Set up a Consultation Today

With the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, we are dedicated to the safety of our clients, attorneys, and staff. We are now doing case evaluations via Zoom to provide a safe environment for our clients while still discussing your matter face-to-face.
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Contact Us Today

To learn more about how our office can assist with your legal case, call or contact our office to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced California attorneys today and discuss your legal options.