
divorce mediation

Divorce Mediation vs. Litigation: Which Approach is Right for You?

“Amicable divorce” is a relative term. Even if you and your spouse honor your commitment to treat each other...
child custody disputes

Child Custody Disputes: Understanding the Factors that Determine Custodial Arrangements

You and your ex-spouse might disagree about how you should divide your parenting time and what each of you...
spousal support in california

Spousal Support in California: Calculating Payments and Modifying Agreements

There is a lot of financial uncertainty that comes with a divorce. California is a community property state. If...

How is Alimony Calculated in California?

The divorce process is more streamlined in California than it is in most other states, with numerical guidelines instead...

Why Estate Planning is Important for Your Children During a Divorce

You may have heard people say that after their divorce, they made major changes in their lives, since they...

Property Distribution in a California Divorce

One of the most significant issues in any California divorce is the distribution of property between spouses. Typically, this...

Can a CA Prenuptial Agreement Be Changed or Cancelled After the Wedding?

Prenuptial agreements have been steadily gaining in popularity over the years, as more couples preparing to get married see...

Are Prenuptial Agreements Legal and Valid in California?

Whether you have a prenuptial agreement in place or are considering entering into one (which could be based on...

How to Ask for a Divorce

One of the hardest parts of getting a divorce – at least from an emotional perspective – is simply...

When Can I Get Spousal Support in California?

Ending a marriage can create financial havoc for a spouse who has been at least partially dependent on the...

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